If there is one way to describe the semiconductor industry, it’s “results-driven.” The industry depends on the continuous, 24/7 production of integrated circuits, meaning downtime is usually intolerable. As a semiconductor OEM, success equates to ensuring customers won’t experience downtime due to equipment failure. Equipment must be efficient, effective, and standardized using the highest quality printed circuit boards. At DMTech Systems, we have perfected, documented, and certified our manufacturing processes to meet the PCB assembly needs of the semiconductor equipment industry. As a semiconductor PCB manufacturer, we’ve incorporated the industry’s stringent requirements to ensure we deliver the reliability and repeatability you depend on for a growing high-tech market.


From the moment we receive supplier evaluations to meeting for an on-site audit, our commitment to statistical process control (SPC) and adherence to the strict requirements of the semiconductor industry is evident:

At our facility, we measure the effectiveness and efficiency of every step in our manufacturing process and validate the results to ensure we’re meeting our target. By doing this, we achieve a low cycle time without compromising quality.
Our ISO 9001-certified quality management system ensures we maintain standardized control in design and manufacturing phases. 
Being an SSQA-audited and approved supplier ensures we actively pursue continuous improvement throughout our facilities.

As a result, our semiconductor equipment PCB manufacturing processes guarantee the maintenance and improvement of quality during your initial on-site audit. It also allows us to comply with the ultimate semiconductor industry standard: copy exactly. But our commitment to manufacturing extends beyond PCB assembly: we have the capabilities for box build and wire harness assemblies to simplify production needs further.


With SPC in place to monitor, control, and improve our processes, we can implement your Copy Exacty! (CE) methodology requirements. As an approved vendor for your organization, we will do the following to meet your CE needs:

CE-certify employees and suppliers
All employees and critical suppliers possess certification for the copy exact methodology. We’ll designate representatives from each major department at DMTech Systems—including purchasing, engineering, manufacturing, and quality control—to complete your CE standards training. Additionally, DMTech Systems assumes responsibility for providing CE training for our suppliers.

Practice the most stringent methods for design and engineering change requests 
We apply the most standardized control for your builds and strictly adhere to your change control policies. Our sophisticated systems ensure your assemblies always meet exact specifications.

Maintain all assembly records
We recognize the semiconductor industry needs complete historical records of each assembled product. We maintain the integrity of that documentation for the lifecycle of your assemblies.

We’ve been innovating semiconductor-specific manufacturing knowledge for years. Our years of experience serving the semiconductor industry have yielded much industry-specific knowledge. That, combined with our copy exactly proficiency, puts us in a position of leadership among semiconductor PCB manufacturers.